
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2011

Recuperar datos perdidos con Power Data Recovery

Seguro que os ha pasado más de una vez. Borramos archivos, los enviamos a la papelera o eliminamos directamente y poco después, al cabo de unos cuantos días nos hemos dado cuenta de que uno de estos archivos lo necesitábamos y no debíamos haberlo borrado. Para esos existen herramientas que nos pueden ayudar. Podemos recuperar datos perdidos con Power Data Recovery de forma sencilla y rápida. La única recomendación que nos da para su instalación es que si es posible lo instalemos en una partición o disco de la que no queremos recuperar datos con el objeto de no sobreescribir y machacar los datos perdidos. En el caso de que ya tengamos instalado este programa no es necesario tomar esta precaución. Se encuentra disponible de forma gratuita para Windows y Mac con licencia de uso personal. Una vez instalado y puesto es marcha Power Data Recovery reproduce nuestro directorio de archivos para que podamos indicarle en qué lugar estaba el archivo cuando fue borrado. Abriend

5 consejos para tener un Blog exitoso

Escribir un blog puede ayudarte mucho a promocionarte a ti mismo, tus productos, tu marca y además llevar muchísmo tráfico a tus sitios, y bueno a ganar dinero con un blog. Esto redundará en más ventas y más dinero para ti. Para que logres esto te damos 5 consejos para tener un blog exitoso que te ayude a vender. Ganar Dinero con un Blog: Haz un blog que valga la pena El ingrediente principal de un blog exitoso es que éste valga la pena para quienes lo lean. Esto significa que debes entregarle valor a tus lectores. Enséñales algo o entreténlos. O mejor aún, haz ambas cosas. Enseña a tus clientes mientras los mantienes entretenidos. Eso llevará gente a tu Blog y los hará volver por más información entretenida. Ganar Dinero con un Blog: Incluye un texto ancla Un texto ancla es aquel que enlazas a otro sitio. En este caso, tu quieres enlazar palabras clave a tu sitio. Esto contribuirá a un mejor rankeo de las palabras claves y también llevará más gente desde tu blog

¡Linux 3 a la vista!

Por Alan Lazalde | 30 de Mayo de 2011, 22:32 Linus Torvalds anunció sin más que comienzan los trabajos para publicar la versión 3 del kernel Linux. De hecho, publicó la versión 3.0.0-rc1, o primera versión candidata. Recordemos que cada versión de Linux se distingue por tres números separados por un punto. Como sea, se trata de la versión 3, y de ella colgarán varias “ramas” de código. ¿Qué mejoras hay en la versión 3.0.0-rc1? Salvo agregar soporte para Microsoft Kinect, mejorar el de algunas tarjetas gráficas y el de procesadores Intel, no encontraremos ninguna que pueda ser considerada revolucionaria, ninguna que marque un antes y un después para Linux. La excusa de Linus para arrancar la versión 3 es sencilla: Llevamos muchos años publicando versiones en función del tiempo, no de las características. Si quieren una excusa para la renumeración, deberían ver que ya han pasado 20 años. Sabemos que han pasado muchos años desde la publicación de la rama 2.6.x del kernel

What To Do When You Get Hacked and How To Prevent It

May 13, 2011 by Ramon Ray No Comments About Ramon Ray Ramon Ray, Editor & Technology Evangelist, Smallbiztechnology.com - see his full bio at http://www.ramonray.com More... Our friends at Symantec offer some great tips in how to NOT get hacked but also what to do if you do get hacked. How to Recover from – and Prevent – a Malware Attack If you’re a small business, you are probably more interested in increasing revenue and decreasing costs than dedicating resources to IT security. However, this mindset could put you at risk of a security attack that can result in downtime, decreased customer satisfaction, and ultimately lost revenue and higher expenses. Revelations about just how expensive targeted attacks can be came in the recent FBI warning (PDF) about online scams in which stolen banking credentials were used to siphon $11 million from U.S. small- and mid-sized businesses

3 Ways to Destroy Your Data

Leigh Martin | May 23, 2011 at 10:12 am PST 1,005 0 You could be putting your company at risk by disposing of old data and storage media improperly. At some point, all data must be destroyed. If you’re replacing outdated computers, servers, or storage media, like tapes, then you need to purge all the business data that currently exists on those devices. Also, there’s some data you need to wipe after a certain period of time so your company remains compliant with federal privacy legislation. When you want to destroy data, you need to go beyond simply dragging a folder on your desktop to the trash can. There are three sure-fire ways to make sure data can never be pulled off a decommissioned hard drive or backup tape, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In a chapter on security considerations in

Which VPN Is Best for Your Small Business?

Sampa Choudhuri | May 24, 2011 at 8:13 am PST 1,281 0 When choosing between IPSec and SSL, you might find you need both kinds of VPNs. Mobile workers are a fact of life for most small businesses and that is often a good thing — for both the company and the employee or contractor. Users who have remote access to your small business network from their home offices or while travelling tend to be more productive and can helps save your company money . The trick, of course, is making sure that the mobile connections to your network are secure. For that, you need an encrypted virtual private network (VPN) , which lets remote users safely connect to your network from any location with Internet access. There are two different types of VPNs: Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Both VPNs allow you to remotely access netw

Un estudiante recopila 35 millones de perfiles de Google para alertar sobre la facilidad de acceso

Por Miguel Jorge | 26 de Mayo de 2011, 15:39 Matthijs R. Koot, estudiante de la Universidad de Amsterdam, ha llevado a cabo un curioso experimento con el fin de demostrar los peligros a los que está expuesto el usuario con la información que queda indexada en las páginas de Google . Ha recopilado en un mes y con una sola IP, una base masiva de los perfiles de Google, 35 millones alojados en 35GB, entre los que se encuentran nombres, direcciones de correo, conversaciones en Twitter o información biográfica y laboral de los usuarios en la red. Koot ha guardado toda la información en una base de datos privada. Recordamos el caso que se dio en Facebook el año pasado, momento en el que un investigador demostró la facilidad para obtener 100 millones de perfiles de los usuarios con sus URLs. Ese fue el detonante para que Facebook cambiara e hiciera lo posible por modificar la indexación de sus páginas. Actualmente, este tipo de acciones o investigaciones en la red social est

6 trucos para mejorar el rendimiento del WiFi

Por: Redacción de Baquía Las interferencias que afectan a los routers inalámbricos provocan que se pierda hasta un 30% del ADSL que tenemos contratado. Algunos consejos para mejorar el rendimiento de los routers. Hace un par de meses, Epitiro publicaba un estudio en el que llegaba a la conclusión de que casi un tercio de la conexión de banda ancha se pierde si en lugar del cable Ethernet utilizamos una conexión WiFi. En PC World encontramos las recomendaciones de Nandan Kalle , un ejecutivo de Belkin, que sabe bien de lo que habla al identificar los seis bloqueos más frecuentes que sufren los routers inalámbricos y la manera de desactivarlos. 1. El WiFi del vecino La mayoría de los routers operan en la frecuencia de 2.4GHz, que puede llegar a congestionarse en zonas muy pobladas, con muchos routers conectados al mismo tiempo. La solución es utilizar un router dual , que funciona simultáneamente en las frecuencias 2.4GHz y 5GHz . Lo podemos identificar en la tiend

4 Ways to Be the Boss That Your Business Needs

Sampa Choudhuri | May 24, 2011 at 8:13 am PST Leona Helmsley. Donald Trump. Mark Zuckerberg . You know their names. To some, they’re the epitome of the nightmare boss, associated with tyrannical tantrums, boardroom antics, and for threatening employees when things don’t go their way. As a small business owner, you didn’t get into the game to crush egos or smash office printers. You got in because you had a passion for what you do better than anyone else. But it’s not just you anymore. You have a team behind you. And it’s your job to manage it. But your team’s not responding. Now what? Now, you act like the boss. You stop walking on eggshells with your staff, and start adopting positive leadership practices that will inspire excellence. You’re not there to be your employees’ best friend; you’re there to manage them, and to grow your company. You’re there to lead. If you’re unsteady on your new managerial legs, here are a few suggestions to help you build the right team. 1. Stop Promotin

5 Reasons why Microsoft Exchange Server will Remain Relevant

Written by Paul Mah on May 23, 2011 The prevalence of free and high-quality web-based email services has undoubtedly helped advance the prevalence of emails. Indeed, one of the first stops for a new Internet user these days would be to first pick up an email account or two at one of the free webmail providers. Given the familiarity of users with web-hosted emails, should Exchange Administrators be at all concerned that Exchange Server would eventually lose its appeal? Well, my personal opinion is that Exchange Server will continue to retain its relevance for some time yet, especially in the realm business. I’ve highlighted some of the reasons below. 1. The Hosted Exchange route Buoyed by the advantages of a cloud-based deployment, some companies have made a strategic decision to migrate their on-premise server deployments into the cloud. This doesn’t necessarily sound the death knell for Exchange Server however, given Microsoft’s foresight in creating a version of Exch

VoIP Business Phone System For A Small Business - A Good Idea Or Possibly Costly And Useless Technology?

Would it be a good idea to take advantage of a VoIP business phone system with regards to your home business? Or perhaps, is a VOIP merely even more modern technology which brings no real added capabilities? We have some associates who operate small businesses, and each of them converted to a business VoIP system at the beginning of this past year. One has 6 trunk lines in addition to rollover in addition to a facsimile. The other has three trunk lines, rollover and a facsimile. Neither of them has had any real difficulty with telephone service since the actual change, and they are both are saving approximately 35% over their conventional land-line service companies. Until a few years back one would hear horror reviews with regards to questionable service for individuals who had changed to a VoIP business phone system. Interruptions from their web service providers and congestion and packet slow down were several key areas of difficulty. Congestion and the ensuing delay in

Help Keep Company Data Safe on Employees’ Personal Devices

Michael | April 11, 2011 at 11:05 am PST Securing smartphones and tablets used for work protects both the employee and the business. More of your employees are using personal consumer devices for work than you may realize. The majority of them probably carry an Internet-enabled smartphone, like an iPhone, a BlackBerry, or an Android phone, and some may even be using an iPad for work, too. And employees are using these devices to access and work with the company data they need to do their jobs. Like the computers at your office, employees’ personal devices should be secured to protect both the business assets on your network and any sensitive data on employees’ personal devices. Last November, Cisco published the Cisco Connected World Report , which confirms several things small business owners probably already suspect. One, there really is no longer a boundary between professional computers and private devices. Two, people want to use their own devices for work. And

Why does your organization need an email archiving solution?

If your organization uses an in-house mail server, an email archiving solution is the only way to take full advantage of the information contained within company emails while simultaneously reducing the amount of storage space required to maintain the messages. Archiving the ingoing and outgoing emails and attachments being sent to and from your employees, also allows you to retain copies in a central location as needed for continuity and compliance, in a manner that provides for future access as needed. It is therefore very important to choose an email archiving solution to improve your company’s knowledge base and address compliance issues by providing swift access to company information, while reducing storage requirements for the files. Knowledge Base Both internal correspondence and external email messages contain a wealth of information, which your organization can exploit in a number of ways through the use of data mining in an email archive. Customer support email

Facebook Spam Prevention Scam Propagates, Hackers Rejoice

ritten by Jamie Campbell on May 20, 2011 There’s an old saying: in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It seems like social media is chock-a-block with the blind, a fact the one-eyed men are wasting no time exploiting. If Web 2.0 does one thing well, it’s that it makes jumping in to the world of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn easy and pain free, meaning that anyone can – and does – jump into the fray, almost instantly getting started friending and trending, flagging and tagging. One doesn’t have to be a tecchie to figure out how to use social media; one just has to start typing. In fact, it may be a little too easy. In the eyes of IT professionals, it’s almost as if the hackers and spammers have hung a large shingle out – HELP WANTED. LACK OF TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE AN ASSET. So if anyone was wondering why the war between social media and spam feels like a losing battle, look no further than this. In the most recent spam scam to assault Faceboo

Survey: Database Administrators, IT Security Still Not On The Same Page

By Ericka Chickowski, Contributing Writer Dark Reading DBAs lack understanding of change control, patch management, ISUG study says Database administrators still don't get security, according to a study published Wednesday. Many DBAs and general IT decision makers admit they know little about critical database security issues, such as change control, patch management, and auditing, the survey says. Conducted by Unisphere Research on behalf of Application Security Inc., the survey questioned 214 Sybase administrators belonging to the International Sybase User Group (ISUG) about their database security practices. The prevalent theme running throughout the survey was that most organizations lacked controls to keep database information protected across the enterprise. "A majority of respondents admit that there are multiple copies of their production data, but many do not have direct control over the security of this information," the survey report stated.

Small firms learn size doesn't matter to hackers

Companies of all sizes find they need protection from cyber attacks. For some, the realization comes only after being victimized. By Cyndia Zwahlen May 23, 2011

Is The Cloud More Secure Than a Physical Environment?

Rickscloud by RickBlaisdell CTO I have recently had the opportunity to attend a panelist dinner organized by NaviSite and CISCO. That was a great networking opportunity, as I got a chance to chat with many CIOs from companies ranging from 10’s of millions to billions of dollars of annual revenue. I was really interested in discussing the theme of cloud security, and I noticed that most of them believed that information in the cloud appeared to be more secure than in a physical environment. This is an opinion that I subscribe to. Enterprise cloud providers like NaviSite offer managed services that include monitoring and security. Enterprise cloud platforms like the Cisco UCS are also architected to be not only scalable and reliable but very secure. They have professionals that are configuring the cloud env

4 Easy Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile By Mark Henricks | May 16, 2011

In the race to see who will own social media, LinkedIn can if nothing else claim to be the first to publicly sell out . But there’s more to business networking than an opportunity for Reid Hoffman to join the ranks of the über-rich. Savvy business people increasingly see LinkedIn as a critical place to find new employees, recognize existing ones, troll for sales prospects, and build their own digital brand. Here are some tricks you can tap to buff up your own LinkedIn profile: Create a custom URL. This helps your profile rank more highly in Google and LinkedIn search results, according to LinkedIn spokesperson Erin O’Harra. “And it’ll be a lot prettier to put on a business card,” she adds. Click the “Edit” hyperlink at the bottom of your blue profile box next to “Public Profile” and your current URL. On the next page, click “Customize your public profile URL” and type in your preferred URL. Try “firstnamelastname” and if that doesn’t work, “lastnamefirstname.” Strut your smarts (

Brand Power! Are You Building It? Marketing Tips May 16, 2011 By Deborah Shane

There’s manpower, girl power, flower power, horsepower, higher power, nuclear power. Now there’s. . .BRAND POWER! Are you building it? No matter what website, blog or social media site you go to in the marketing, business, advertising and sales space, branding and personal branding are going to come up.  The topic must be important, right? It is, very.  Don’t get tired of it, sick of it or bored with it because it will make all the difference in your personal and business success in the long term. We’ve gone from the dawning of the age of Aquarius to the dawning of the age of Brand-Poweredness! If you don’t have a strong, defined, authentic, identifiable, relatable and active brand today, you will get gobbled up and swept away. You don’t have to be huge or national or on television every day, but you do need to be out, serving, solving and, yes, selling. I love the reality show  Shark Tank . It’s packed with inspired entrepreneurs with ideas on how to fill niches. I saw Tiffany Krumins

4 Steps to Confronting the Spear Phishing Threat

Written by Paul Mah on May 19, 2011 In my last post, I wrote 6 reasons why spearing phishing will increase . A quick scan of recent news headlines will show how many enterprises have been rocked by security breaches that originated from spear phishing . In fact, colleague Jeff Orloff also mentioned it recently when he examined the threat of APTs, or advanced persistent threat , which is typically initiated from a phishing email. So what should businesses do when confronted with spear phishing, an old threat which has made an unwanted reappearance? I have a few suggestions on this. 1. Allocation of additional budget Businesses must not shield away from the fact that malicious hackers are leveraging spear phishing to penetrate corporate networks for profit. These cyber criminals have, to date, successfully broken into some of the most well-named security brands in the world, and in many cases are suspected of siphoning digital data worth their weight in gold. Businesses must realize

Cybercriminals Target Online Banking Culture In Latin America

Botnets and malware creation are on the rise in the region, which also could host first big wave of smartphone malware writers May 17, 2011 | 09:59 PM | 0 Comments By Kelly Jackson Higgins Dark Reading Latin America is no longer just a victim of cybercrime -- it's becoming a haven for cybercrime operations and the creation of malware. The region, which has traditionally been infamous for housing an inordinate number of infected machines, is now creating more botnets, with Trojans targeting Latin America's popular online banking culture. Researchers at Kaspersky Lab recently studied a crimeware kit for botnets that was customized for Latin American targets and appeared to be built for attacking online banking customers in Peru. Jorge Mieres, a security expert with Kaspersky, says the Sistema de Administracion de PCs Zombi (Zombie PCs Administration System) is a specialized version of the pervasive SdBot botnet malware. The botnet was first created in late 2009, he says. "T