22 signs your NOT addicted to design (22 cosas que te hacen no adicto al diseño)

01. You run Windows XP using "Classic Mode", just to make your machine perform faster.

02. You've never touched an Apple computer.

03. You didn't know the font Helvetica was used on the US dollar.

04. You don't care about the W3C web standards, you just want the website displayed correct in every browser.

05. The only drawing program on your computer is MS Paint.

06. You ever wrote an essay using the font "Comic Sans".

07. You now use the font "Times New Roman" for your (school)work.

08. You've never heared of the word Vector (graphics).

09. You don't know the difference between BMP, JPG, GIF and PNG and when to use it.

10. You think RGB or CMYK are names of companies or schools.

11. You never had a nightmare about Internet Explorer 6.

12. You're using Internet Explorer 6.

13. You don't care about fancy advertisement: You just want to know what the product does.

14. You've never seen, followed or bookmarked any form of Photoshop tutorials or websites.

15. Your favorite colors are still Yellow, Orange, Red etc. instead of #CCCCCC, #CF0000, #1F3BC7 etc.

16. You've never installed custom fonts.

17. When asked to explain what a "Smart Object" is, the only thing that comes into your mind is a school teacher.

18. "PS" means PlayStation or post scriptum to you.

19. You think the only program Adobe Systems has created is their PDF reader.

20. You don't cry because this list is made out of seperate HTML paragraphs instead of using an unordered list with list items.

21. You didn't notice the reflection in the image above is totally wrong.

22. You're relieved that all signs noted above are applied by you.

Everything checked? Yes? Congratulations, you're really not addicted to design. If a couple of these signs are unchecked, you might want to check out the Photoshop section.

Feel free to add your own signs that show you're not addicted to design. Drop a comment with your suggestion and I'll add them to the list with a link to your website.

